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- Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 18:57:38 -0500
- From: Michael Rivers <mrivers@GTE.NET>
- Subject: [IML] AMIGA:Global Effects
- Does anyone know why the global effects, specifically the newflare texture,
- don't work correctly? If I render a frame with no objects, I get a flare, If
- I do have an object, that does *not* obscure the light, I get nothing. Even
- the other effects give me bizarre results. I tried the Negative effect, and
- it simply turned the frame grey. This is Imagine 4. The effects have never
- worked, I tried them a year ago, and again I'm trying them with the same
- result.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 09:20:06 +0000
- From: "Matthew O'Neill" <mash@DINGNET.DEMON.CO.UK>
- Organization: Cosmic!
- I believe I know exactly why it won't work. My guess is that you don't
- have an FPU. When my 030 had no FPU, none of these worked, does mike
- know about this? Once the FPU prices fell to 30 pounds I got one and
- installed the fpu version. double the speed, 10 times as many textures
- and all the global effects worked
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 19:13:59 -0500
- From: Michael Rivers <mrivers@GTE.NET>
- I guess I should have mentioned that I have an 040 (with FPU - stock
- A-4000/040). I don't have any problems with the textures, and I have
- installed the FPU version of I4.
- What's odd is that the NewFlare texture are works when there are no objects in
- the scene, but with objects, it either doesn't show up at all, or shows up
- only if the light is above or below a certain point on the screen. I have no
- idea why this is a problem.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 22:44:13 MET-1
- From: Salvatore Cagliari <cagliaris@SWISSONLINE.CH>
- Hi have noticied this problems two or three times in animations. At one point,
- the LensFlare-Effect disappear, and after a few Frames, it returns. I have
- noticied too that the scene is darker in that phase of the anim. I've used
- IFA4.0. Since I have IFA5.0, I don't rerender the hole anim (both something
- around 200 frames). I don't know if this is a IFA4.0 error, or not.
- I you want, you can send me the object, and the staging file, and I try to
- render it in IFA5.0.
- Bye
- Salvatore
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 16:03:10 -0400
- From: Scott Sutherland <ssutherl@GAMMAMETRICS.COM>
- Subject: [IML] AMIGA: Help with Global FX.
- Hello All:
- I was experimenting with the Global Effects last night. I have never seen
- any documentation for most of these effects, and I was curious to see what
- they could do. I loaded an Imagine project, went to the ACTION editor, and
- added each effect to the FX line of the GLOBALS Actor. I had written down
- all the results, but I must have left these at home, so I'll do this by
- memory.
- CEPIA: Loading this effect brought up the MELT requestor. Suggestions?
- MELT: What does this do? It appeared to lighten up my image. I tried to
- use the default parameters, and even apply it over several frames
- to see any differences. Nothing akin to MELTING, I must say.
- Has anyone used this one?
- CARTOON: This was the main reason I experimented. I was hoping that
- this was like the CELL Shader in Lightwave. It appears
- to do SOMETHING to my image, but there are SOO many parameters
- that it is hard to determine where to adjust things.
- CONTRAST: Worked fine.
- FADE2BLACK: Worked fine.
- SOLARIZE: Appeared to work fine.
- LENSFLARE: I could not see a thing. I think that I don't understand
- how to get this. I tried putting a bright white light
- direclty in the camera view, but NOTHING. Suggestions?
- Same for the OTHER flare FX.
- HAZE: Appeared to simply whiten my image, and it took the longest
- to compute of the effects. Suggestions?
- Okay IMPULSE (e.g. MIKE H.):
- Where can I get full documentation on these effects, their various parameters,
- and what they do, hopefully along with an example tutorial?
- Is there anyone on the IML who has played enough with these to get
- something useful
- out of them?
- Thanks for any help.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 12:47:44 -0400
- From: Scott Sutherland <ssutherl@GAMMAMETRICS.COM>
- Hello All:
- I posted a request for help with Global FX in Imagine 5.0/5.1/5.1a
- and have received no response.
- My documentation from Impulse on Global FX contains descriptions
- of HAZE and Global Lens Flare, but that's it. Nothing on Cepia,
- Cartoon, FadetoBlack, or any of the others.
- Where can I get descriptions/examples/tutorials on these effects?
- Thanks,
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 13:27:52 MST
- From: Ian Stearns <istearns@NMCOURT.FED.US>
- Scott said "I posted a request for help with Global FX in Imagine
- 5.0/5.1/5.1 and have received no response."
- When I bought Imagine for Dos 4.0, they were on the disk in a text
- file.
- I printed 'em out, along with the descriptions of all the textures.
- It's at home...somewhere. I'll look around and see if I can get you
- the low-down.
- buzz
- Alot of these effects won't show unless you SAVE FILES TO DISK while doing
- the stage render. Can't just render straight to AVI. Can do both though.
- ***********************
- Off the top of my head:
- MELT: causes the animation to sort of slide down the screen (like a melting
- screenaver)
- Fade2Black: Does fade in/out, like cinema.
- Cepia: make's things look like Cepia-tone(golden) film.
- -- 1920's 3D animations!
- Cartoon: reduces the color depth, and optionally draws lines around the
- faces..hard to control. the docs implied a "Lucy In the Sky with
- Diamonds" effect. :)
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 17:35:24 -0000
- From: Martin McKenzie <marty@CADTECH.DEMON.CO.UK>
- Organization: CADTech
- I will send the text file describing these FX to Mike, for placing on the
- ACUP download area.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 01:59:47 -0400
- From: NGUYEN TRONG Anh Tu <atnt@DIAF.FR>
- There is a separate text file with Imagine (since 3.x-4.x) which describes
- these effects in detail.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:58:14 -0500
- From: Michael Rivers <mrivers@GTE.NET>
- Subject: [IML] AMIGA: Global Effects = Garbage Effects
- Imagine 4, fp. on an A-4000/040 18 megs of RAM.
- Haze - haze is not correct.
- Melt - Doesn't, enforcer hits, produces trash.
- Cepia - Requester appears same as "Melt", Produced white screen.
- NewFlare - doesn't produce flares with semi-complex objects in the scene.
- Negative - has produced images that weren't negatives.
- See this http://home1.gte.net/mrivers/globals.html
- Your browser will need to support IFF.
- The globals have never worked right. Someone has suggested that there was an
- updated version of the effects on one of the 3 disks, I have looked and there
- is
- only one archive which contains the globals effects. The list I have now are
- below.
- Melt.ifx 15756 ----rwed 15-Sep-94 13:08:00
- Negative.ifx 13824 ----rwed 15-Sep-94 13:08:50
- NewFlare.ifx 40260 ----rwed 15-Sep-94 13:10:04
- RGBMix.ifx 5632 ----rwed 15-Sep-94 13:07:42
- Solarize.ifx 4388 ----rwed 15-Sep-94 13:09:02
- Toon.ifx 25668 ----rwed 15-Sep-94 13:09:26
- Haze.ifx 16116 ----rwed 13-Sep-94 11:42:56
- LensFlar.ifx 33100 ----rwed 13-Sep-94 11:42:44
- FadBlack.ifx 13860 ----rwed 15-Sep-94 13:08:38
- Contrast.ifx 15388 ----rwed 15-Sep-94 13:08:26
- Cepia.ifx 14900 ----rwed 15-Sep-94 13:08:12
- *HELP!*
- ----------------------------------